Mentoring/Coaching for Bodyworkers

It begins with wanting to be better than you were before.

Coaching & Mentorship for Bodyworkers with Jessica

Mentoring is offered to support and educate body workers to assist in his or her own practice. Practitioners can work 1:1 with Jessica, a skilled and gifted muscular therapist with a strong knowledge base in human physiology and biomechanics and a vast complement of therapeutic modalities, to review manual therapy techniques, work through patient case studies, deepen their knowledge and skill set, and to improve confidence and patient outcomes. Therapists can also bring their patient to the mentoring sessions to have an additional practitioner to support their learning and practicing of techniques.

Complete the form below or contact Jessica directly by e-mail at to discuss and schedule mentoring/coaching sessions.

**Mentoring sessions are available in a VIRTUAL format or IN-PERSON format**

Trust the process.